The Northstar Landing Project for investors and clients has SOLD OUT.

- Located within Edmonton city limits inside the World Class Edmonton Energy & Technology Park, which is part of Alberta’s Industrial Heartland.
- The Alberta Industrial Heartland has over $46 billion invested to date (May, 2018), and $15+ billion in projects announced or under construction.
- The Edmonton Energy and Technology Park is being actively promoted by Edmonton Planning and Development, Edmonton Economic Development, and by the Alberta government represented by Alberta Finance and Enterprise.
- This approximately 80 acre land parcel has 34 street frontage.
- The land parcel is located both in the Petrochemical Cluster permitted land use area.
- Major highways to the west, south, and east, and near the juncture of highways serving Northern Alberta and Ft. McMurray.
- Downtown Edmonton, Edmonton Municipal Airport and major population centers are all within a short 20 minute drive.
- Pristine, gently rolling high land.

Why Edmonton, Alberta?
- Edmonton is the transportation, logistics, research, and manufacturing hub of the oil sands and northern development, and a world leader in the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries.
- More than $172 billion in private sector projects have been announced or are planned for the Edmonton service area. We have a diversified local economy with a GDP greater than $85 billion.
- Our manufacturing sector…now Canada’s second largest manufacturing cluster, is second only to Ontario’s Golden Triangle.
- Alberta has in excess of 176 billion barrels of proven oil reserves, amongst the largest in the world.